Asheville Manager Mikulik Loses Temper
The video clip is from last summer (June, 2006), but in cased you missed it, watch and enjoy! Asheville Tourists manager Joe Mikulik was handed down a seven-day suspension and $1,000 fine for his antics. Asheville is a farm club for the Rockies.
Upset that umpire Andy Russell called Clemens (Roger's kid) safe at second base in the fifth inning of Asheville's 5-2 loss, Mikulik rushed onto the field. He made a headfirst dive into second base and later pulled up the bag -- taking a few tugs to get it done -- before throwing it into right field. By the time he got ejected, Mikulik was just getting warmed up. And by the time he was done, he had thrown a resin bag, several bats and blocked the umpires' locker room.
Great quotes from Mikulik about the incident:
"I could get two mannequins at Sears and umpire better than what I saw this whole series," he told the Lexington Herald-Leader.
"I thought the strike was over," Mikulik said. "When will the real umpires show up? That's what I want to know." (The regular minor league umpires began the season on strike).
"This ain't my first rodeo...I didn't touch anybody. I never bumped anybody...I actually cleaned home plate for them, so they should give me a tip for that."